22601. Energy consumption in a crusher decreases with increase in the
22602. In a mixer, the quantity, (v. L/D) is termed as __________ number(where, v = longitudinal velocity of material, L = length of the mixer, D = diffusivity in axial mixing).
22603. The term 'angle of nip' is concerned with the operation of the __________ crushers.
22604. Cartridge filters are termed as 'edge' filters, because of the fact that the
22605. Vibrating screens have capacity in the range of __________ tons/ft2 .mm mesh size.
22606. Cumulative analysis for determining surface is more precise than differential analysis, because of the
22607. To remove very small amount of tiny solid impurities from liquid, we use a
22608. Screw conveyors are
22609. __________ mills fall in the category of tumbling mills,
22610. Capacity of flight conveyor in tons/hr is given by (where, W & D = width and depth of flight respectively in metre V = speed of the conveyor, metre/second ρ = bulk density of material, kg/m3)
22611. Which of the following is not a cutting machine?
22612. Weber number is significant and is concerned with the
22613. Power consumption during turbulent flow in agitation tank is proportional to the __________ of the liquid.
22614. Screen efficiency is
22615. For grinding of cereals, grains, spices, pigments, saw dust, cork etc., the most extensively used size reduction equipment is a
22616. Handling of ashes and similar materials can be done best by a __________ conveyor.
22617. Which of the following must be stored in silos and not in open yard ?
22618. Apron conveyors are used for
22619. Sedimentation on commercial scale occurs in
22620. With increase in drum speed, in a rotary drum filter, the filtration rate
22621. Arrange the following size reduction equipment in the decreasing order of the average particle size produced by each of them.
22622. 200 mesh seive size corresponds to __________ microns.
22623. What is the usual value of angle of nip for crushing of ordinary rock in smooth steel crushing rolls ?
22624. For a turbine agitated and baffled tank, operating at low Reynold's number (based on impeller diameter), the power number (Np) varies with NRe as
22625. Which of the following is not accomplished by agitation of liquids in agitators?
22626. Which of the following parts of a jaw crusher is subjected to maximum wear and tear during its operation ?
22627. A 30% (by volume) suspension of spherical sand particles in a viscous oil has a hindered settling velocity of 4.44 μm/s. If the Richardson Zaki hindered settling index is 4.5, then the terminal velocity of a sand grain is
22628. Which was the lengthiest amendment to the constitution of India?
22629. Which is the biggest railway station in Kerala?
22630. In froth floatation, chemical agent added to cause air adherence is called
22631. The sphericity of a solid particle of cubical shape is
22632. Vertical transportation of materials can be done by a/an
22633. In a roll crusher, the specific power consumption and the production rate is affected by the
22634. A cottrel precipitator makes use of the __________ for dusty air cleaning.
22635. In two stroke engines has’port’ on
22636. If radius of a batch basket centrifuge is halved & the r.p.m. is doubled, then the
22637. The ratio of the area of openings in one screen (Taylor series) to that of the openings in the next smaller screen is
22638. Compressibility co-efficient for an absolutely compressible cake is
22639. Mixing of plastic solids is generally facilitated by
22640. The mechanism of size reduction by a hammer mill is by impact and attrition between the
22641. Which of the following is not an industrial screening equipment ?
22642. Which of the following is not a wet classifier ?
22643. Helical screw agitator is used for
22644. For raschig rings, the sphericity is
22645. For Indian standard (IS) screens, the mesh number is equal to its aperture size expressed to the nearest deca-micron (0.01 mm). Aperture width of IS screen of mesh number 50 will be approximately __________ microns.
22646. __________ mills are termed as disintegrators.
22647. Supporting legs of a plate and frame filter is normally made of
22648. How many time has the President declared a financial emergency so far?
22649. Wet grinding in a revolving mill __________ as compared to dry grinding.
22650. The grinding in a hammer crusher takes place due to the