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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 474

23701. Liquid argon level in a pressurised storage tank (at 3 kg/cm2 ) is measured by a/an

23702. Which of the systems having following transfer functions is stable?

23703. What is the dynamic error in a critically damped second order instrument for a ramp input (At) ?

23704. The father of Scientific socialism is?

23705. An ideal PID controller has the transfer function . The frequency at which the magnitude ratio of the controller is 1, is

23706. The deflection of the free end of the bimetallic strips in a bimetallic thermometer with temperature is nearly

23707. Alphatron measures pressure __________ microns.

23708. What is the ratio of output amplitude to input amplitude for a sinusoidal forcing function in a first order system ?

23709. The unit step response of the transfer functionreaches its final steady state assymptotically after

23710. The central most space of tooth contains:?

23711. The term analogous to the electrical current in a thermal system is the

23712. Reset rate is the another term used for __________ time.

23713. Continuous measurement of moisture in paper is done by

23714. Psychrometer determines the

23715. The author of the book The spirit of laws?

23716. The calibration data of a thermocouple with its cold junction at 0°C are given below. The hot junction of the thermocouple is placed in a bath at 80°C, while its cold junction is at 20°C. What is the emf of thermocouple ?

23717. A mercury barometer measures the __________ pressure.

23718. Positioning controllers are used for

23719. The amplitude ratio for the sinusoidal response of a __________ is 1.

23720. The response of two tanks of same size and resistance in series is

23721. The frequency response of a dynamic element shows a constant magnitude ratio at all frequencies. The element exhibits a negative phase shift at all frequencies. The absolute value of the phase shift increases linearly with frequency. The element has the transfer function

23722. The amplitude ratio for the sinusoidal response of __________ is < 1.

23723. Which of the following is a 'contact' pyrometer ?

23724. Which of the following is not a speed measuring instrument ?

23725. Measurement of sub-zero Celcius temperature in industry is done most commonly by

23726. For the block diagram shown below : The characteristic equation is

23727. Use of I-control along with P-control facilitates

23728. Turbine flow meters are suitable for

23729. Liquid discharge from a tank or reservoir can not be measured by

23730. Which of the following is not a mechanical pressure sensing element ?

23731. __________ are analysed using a polarograph.

23732. Which of the following judges the accuracy of an instrument ?

23733. On-off controllers are normally used for

23734. Magnetic flowmeters are generally not used for the velocity/flow measurement of hydrocarbons due to their

23735. Which of the following controllers has maximum offset ?

23736. Pressure of 0.01 psi (absolute) can be measured by __________ gauge.

23737. High temperature of around 2000°C of incandescent gas mantles is measured by a/an

23738. The unit step response of the transfer function 1/(s2 + 2s + 3)

23739. “ Equality of opportunity in matters of public employmen” is provided under article?

23740. The time constant of a unity gain, first order plus time delay process is 5 min. If the phase lag at a frequency of 0.2 rad/min is 60°, then the dead time (in minutes) is

23741. Which of the following does not figure in the list of seven substances selected for international temperature scale ?

23742. A constant volume gas thermometer employing __________ is used to measure sub-zero (i.e., < 0° C) temperature.

23743. pH meter has

23744. Routh test

23745. The open loop transfer function of a process is . In the root locus diagram, the poles will be at

23746. Water is entering a storage tank at a temperature T0 and flow rate Q0 and leaving at a flow rate Q and temperature T. There are negligible heat losses in the tank. The area of cross-section of the tank is A0. The model that describes the dynamic variation of temperature of water in the tank with time is given as :

23747. When a bare thermocouple is covered by a protective sheath, the response becomes

23748. What is the normal percentage of rhodium in platinum + rhodium element used in the thermocouple ?

23749. Helium gas constant volume thermometer is suitable for the measurement of a temperature of __________ °C.

23750. The transfer function of a second order system is

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