27201. Increase in traffic volume, due to increase in transport vehicles, is known as
27202. If R is the radius of a main curve and L is the length of the transition curve, the shift of the curve, is
27203. The weight of vehicles affects
27204. Depth of hardness of steel is increased by the addition of :
27205. Deviation of the alignment of a trace cut may be permitted in areas involving
27206. If cross slope of a country is 10% to 25%, the terrain is classified as
27207. Shoulders for high traffic volume roads, should
27208. According to the recommendations of Nagpur Conference, the width formation of an ideal National Highway in hard rock cutting, is
27209. The absolute minimum radius of horizontal curve for a design speed 60 km ph is
27210. Volume of traffic which would immediately use a new road or an improved one when opened to traffic, is known
27211. Pearlite is a combination of:
27212. In India the modes of transportation, in the order of their importance, are
27213. On the recommendations of Indian Road Congress, the ruling gradient in plains, is
27214. The head light of vehicles should be such that its lower beam illuminates objects at
27215. The length of the side of warning sign boards of roads is
27216. A single lane carriage way whenever changes to two-lane carriage way, is affected through a taper of
27217. The wall constructed for the stability of an excavated portion of a road on the hill side, is known as
27218. Maximum number of passenger cars that can pass a given point on a road during one hour under the most ideal road way and traffic conditions, is known as
27219. Reinforcement in cement concrete slab of road pavements, is placed
27220. If d is the thickness of a concrete pavement, the equivalent radius b of resisting section for an interior loading, is
27221. According to IRC : 52-1973, for a single lane National Highway in hilly region,
27222. If x% is the gradient of an alignment and y% is the gradient after proper superelevation along a curved portion of a highway, the differential grade along the curve, is
27223. In an ideal transition curve, the radius of curvature
27224. On concrete roads, the camber generally provided, is
27225. While calculating the sight distances, the driver's eye above road surface, is assumed
27226. If the number of lanes on the carriageway of a road is more than two, the total width of lane ways is equal to 3.0 m
27227. Minimum thickness of a layer of fine sand required to cut off capillary rise of water completely, should be
27228. The art of writing of Sumerians was .........?
27229. Who amongst the following Englishmen was fellow of Gandhiji in South Africa?
27230. The desirable camber for straight cement concrete roads, is
27231. Minimum permissible speed on high speed roads, is decided on the basis of
27232. The ideal shape of a transition curve, is
27233. At a road junction, 7 cross conflict points are severe if
27234. To indicate proper control of consistency of a freshly mixed concrete for pavement construction, the slump should be between
27235. Driving vehicles on wet surfaced roads, is dangerous because it may
27236. The width of different roads as recommended in Nagpur plan by the Indian Road Conference for hilly region, is
27237. Excise Duties are taxes on?
27238. If D is the degree of a curve, the percentage reduction of gradient, is
27239. Any gradient on a road is said to be an exceptional gradient, if it is
27240. For the administration of road transport, a Motor Vehicle Act was enacted in
27241. The absolute minimum sight distance required for stopping a vehicle moving with a speed of 80 km ph, is
27242. Along high ways confirmatory route markers are generally fixed
27243. Length of vehicles does not affect
27244. Road width 8.8 m of two lane National highways or State highways in mountainous terrain
27245. Hypo eutectoid steels have carbon content:
27246. Transverse joints are provided at distances varying from
27247. If N is the algebraic difference of grades, S is the minimum sight distance in metres, the length (L) of a summit curve is
27248. All the ecosystem taken together in a geographical area form a bigger unit called?
27249. The effect of alloying zinc to copper is to:
27250. The advantage of providing superelevation on roads, is