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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 637

31851. The rainfall at any place is described by

31852. The disease 'Scurvy is caused by the deficiency of

31853. The 'Space City of India:

31854. The first Asian Woman go into space:

31855. Discharge curve may be extended by logarithmic method if

31856. The best instrument for measuring the velocity of a stream flow is

31857. The average mean velocity of a stream having depth h, may be obtained by taking the average of the readings of a current meter at a depth of

31858. If the velocities of flow of a stream of 10 m depth recorded by a current meter at depths of 2 m and 8 m are 0.7 m and 0.3 m respectively, the discharge per unit width of the stream in cubic metres, is

31859. The only cantonment in Kerala is in?

31860. The time required by rain water to reach the outlet of drainage basin, is generally called

31861. Time of overland flow, is affected by

31862. The rate of rainfall for successive 10 minute periods of a 60 minute duration storm, are shown in the below figure. If the value of φindex is 3 cm/hour, the run off will be

31863. From the pattern of the rainfall shown in the below figure, the total precipitation is

31864. From the data of the rain storm shown in the below figure, the value of Windex is

31865. ‘Potters wheel’ was invented in?

31866. A unit hydrograph is a hydrograph of a rain storm of a specified duration resulting from a run-off of

31867. The Acid Finds in ants:

31868. The best unit period of a unit hydrograph, is equal to basin lag divided by

31869. If total run off of a basin of 50 hectares is 0.8 cm, the ordinate of Bernard's distribution graph, may be calculated by the formula (where Q is the discharge in cumecs at the given time)

31870. The energy in stars is produced by:

31871. If the grain size of soil increases

31872. The equation which is used for determining the velocity of ground water flow in metres per day is known as

31873. Which one of the following rights was described by B.R. Ambedkar as the 'Heart and Soul' of the constitution?

31874. The growth rate of agricultural production was negative in the?

31875. The concept of Five Year Plans in India was introduced by?

31876. The Dupuit formula is based on

31877. A well is sunk in an unconfined aquifer having a saturated depth of 100 m. Assuming the equilibrium flow conditions and a homogeneous aquifer and radius of influence to be same, the ratio of discharges at 20 m and 40 m draw downs, is

31878. Evaporation losses depend upon

31879. Phytometer method is generally used for the measurement of

31880. World population was estimated to have crossed 500 crores on .........?

31881. For high flood estimates the average value of the constant C in Dicken's formula Q = CA3/4, is

31882. Pettis formula Q = C (P.B)5/4 cumecs, is based upon

31883. Boston society of Civil Engineer's formula in cumecs/square km is based upon

31884. For predicting floods of a given frequency, the best reliable method is

31885. The earthen embankments constructed parallel to the river banks at some suitable distance for flood control, are known as

31886. Water is useful for

31887. Knowledge of hydrology is necessary for civil engineers for

31888. The Indian writer who launched an enovel in the internet in 2001

31889. In Which year the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes Act (Prevention of Atrocities) came into existence

31890. Run off includes

31891. Who is the Vice President of India?

31892. A soil strata may consist of

31893. . Whichone ofthe following amendmen came to be called a 'mini constitution'?

31894. If the slope of a line for infiltration capacity curve is , the value of constant k in Horton's equation of infiltration capacity curve, is

31895. The equation P - Q = Te φindex for determining the infiltration capacity, was suggested by

31896. Who among the following decide whether a particular bill is money bill not?

31897. Pressure exerted by fully saturated air, is known

31898. A volume of air at constant barometric pressure may be brought to dew point by

31899. If the dew point is greater than 0°C

31900. Humidity refers to

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