1. If the difference between the two expenditures are represented by 18? in the pie-chart, then these expenditures possibly are
2. For an edition of 12,500 copies, the amount of Royalty paid by the publisher is Rs. 2,81,250. What should be the selling price of the book if the publisher desires a profit of 5%?
3. If for an edition of the book, the cost of paper is Rs. 56250, then find the promotion cost for this edition.
4. Which two expenditures together have central angle of 108??
5. What percentage of Indian tourist went to either USA or UK ?
6. The ratio of the number of Indian tourists that went to USA to the number of Indian tourists who were below 30 years of age is ?
7. If amongst other countries, Switzerland accounted for 25% of the Indian tourist traffic, and it is known from official Swiss records that a total of 25 lakh Indian tourists had gone to Switzerland during the year, then find the number of 30-39 year old Indian tourists who went abroad in that year ?
8. What percentage of proteins of the human body is equivalent to the weight of its skin ?
9. How much of the human body is neither made of bones or skin ?
10. What is the ratio of the distribution of proteins in the muscles to that of the distribution of proteins in the bones ?
11. For the year 2005, which company has realised the lowest average unit sales price for a PC ?
12. Over the period 2005-2006, if sales (value-wise) of IBM PC's increased by 50% and of Apple by 15% assuming that PC sales of all other computer companies remained the same, by what percentage (approximately) would the PC sales in New York (value-wise) increase over the same period ?
13. In 2005, the average unit sale price of an IBM PC was approximately (in US$)
14. Near about 20% of the funds are to be arranged through:
15. If NHAI could receive a total of Rs. 9695 crores as External Assistance, by what percent (approximately) should it increase the Market Borrowing to arrange for the shortage of funds?
16. If the toll is to be collected through an outsourced agency by allowing a maximum 10% commission, how much amount should be permitted to be collected by the outsourced agency, so that the project is supported with Rs. 4910 crores?
17. The central angle corresponding to Market Borrowing is
18. The approximate ratio of the funds to be arranged through Toll and that through Market Borrowing is
19. What is the total number of graduate and post-graduate level students is institute R?
20. What is the ratio between the number of students studying at post-graduate and graduate levels respectively from institute S?
21. How many students of institutes of M and S are studying at graduate level?
22. What is the ratio between the number of students studying at post-graduate level from institutes S and the number of students studying at graduate level from institute Q?
23. Total number of students studying at post-graduate level from institutes N and P is
24. If the population of village R in 1997 is 32000, then what will be the population of village Y below poverty line in that year?
25. The ratio of population of village T below poverty line to that of village Z below poverty line in 1997 is: