database-the-database-environment Related Question Answers
1. A database application can perform which of the following activities?
2. An enterprise data model is:
3. A shared database should:
4. Data administrators are responsible for:
5. Which of the following types of databases are the most common?
6. Which of the following is true for a relational database?
7. Some advantages of the database approach include all, but:
8. An enterprise database is which of the following?
9. Structured data may include which of the following?
10. An extranet is which of the following?
11. All enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems are heavily dependent on databases to store the data required by the ERP applications.
13. Databases that contain historical and summarized information are usually called data warehouses.
14. An advantage of the database approach is the creation of maximum data redundancy.
15. An enterprise data model is a relational model that shows the high-level entities for the organization and associations among those entities.
18. Data quality problems currently cost U.S. businesses some $60 million each year (Hudica, 2003).
19. Stand-alone databases exhibit many of the same advantages common to file processing systems.
22. Stored representations of objects and events that have meaning and importance in the user's environment are known as a database.
24. The most common source of database failures in an organization is the failure to implement a strong database administration function.
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