KERALA-PSC Related Question Answers

401. Who authored 'Divyakokilam' as a tribute to Rabindranath Tagore?

402. Who founded 'Vidhyaposhini' a cultural organisation?

403. The Government of Travancore issued orders to open the approach roads to temples to all avarnas in the year:

404. The remains of Chavara Kuriakose Alias is kept at:

405. The social reformer who was known as 'Shanmukhadasa':

406. Who was defeated by RamNath Kovind in the 2017 Presidential election:

407. Who is in charge of the portfolio of Home in Kerala Cabinet:

408. Who is the Vice President of USA:

409. Who is the Chairperson of National Commission for Women?

410. The venue of 2024 Olympics:

411. Name the cyclone that made heavy casualties in Kerala coast recently:

412. Who is the Vice Chairman of NITI Aayog:

413. Who is the Defence Minister of India:

414. Halimah Yacob is the first woman president of:

415. The moon as well as the sun....... us light.

416. ........ the traffic was heavy, they arrived on time.

417. . I gave him ....... hundred thanks for helping me.

418. He remained loyal to me through thick and thin. 'Through thick and thin' means

419. . His speech, though ........, was very impressive and informative.

420. One word for 'a phrase that is too often used':

421. . .......... is a synonym of 'luxuriant'.

422. . Which one is the opposite of celibacy'?

423. . The diminutive of 'river' is

424. . He used to visit his grandfather's regularly, ........?

425. Simplify 775X775+225x225-775x225 775x775x775+225x225x225

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