KERALA-PSC Related Question Answers

76. The included angle is the sum of the

77. Vulcanizing means

78. When turning a corner

79. In radial tyres

80. The power source for a brake booster is

81. The most commonly used Supplementary Restraint System (SRS) component is

82. it is necessary to maintain the valve clearance as they

83. Wheel base of a vehicle is the

84. The stroke of an engine is the

85. Engine misfiring is likely to result from

86. The function of a first compression ring (top ring) is that it

87. Thinner is added to the paint in order to

88. The capacity of a battery is usually expressed in terms of

89. The process of supplying the intake air to the engine cylinder at a pressure greater than the pressure of the surrounding atmosphere is known as

90. The caster is called positive when the top of the king pin is inclined to the

91. Why are pistons given a coating

92. The function of Positive Crankcase Ventilation (PCV) system is that it

93. The basic purpose of a Four Wheel Drive (4WD) system is that it

94. In a square type engine

95. A Traction Control System (TCS) in automobiles controls the

96. The characteristic that is enhanced by the honing of cylinder sleeves inner surface is

97. If the air-fuel mixture ignites before the spark takes place at spark plug, the condition is called

98. The vehicle ride will be comfortable if

99. The advantage of the fuel injection system over the carburettor system is

100. Which of the following indicates a multigrade oil ?

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