KERALA-PSC Related Question Answers
101. The compression ratio in petrol engine is kept less than in Diesel engine because
102. The service brakes employed in cars are generally operated
103. The self ignition temperature of Diesel as compared to petrol is
104. The condition that results in large quantities of HC emission is
105. The engine oil viscosity is defined by __________ ratings.
106. The diagram which shows the correct crank positions corresponding to the opening and closing of the valves, is known as
108. The instrument used to check specific gravity of acid in a battery is
109. Arc heating occurs when the air between electrodes of opposite polarity becomes :
110. The meter used to measure the temperature of a furnace is :
111. Which part is provided in a battery charger to prevent the flow of excessive current into the battery?
112. A product of decomposition of plant and animal residues which is fairly stable, amorphous and brown to black in colour :
113. What are the two relative quantities to be DC shunt generator?plottedfor external characteristics curve for
114. What will happen to a self excited DC generator, if the generator runs in reverse direction?
116. The Puncha season of Kuttanad :
117. Chemical ploughing means :
120. In a generator maximum value of e.m.f. is generated within the coil axis is at:
121. A choke coil of an operating fluorescent lamp is short-circuited. What is the consequence?
122. A contactor coil is designed for 220V DC. What happens if it is connected to 220 V AC?
123. A capacitor is connected across a 200 V AC line. Its minimum voltage rating should be :
124. The power factor of 3-phase load is less than 0.5. While measuring power by two watt meters :
125. Voltage required to operate the Neon sign tubes depends upon :
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