KERALA-PSC Related Question Answers
1051. How the speed control of universal motor used for sewing machine is done?
1052. Earthing in consumer premises is necessary to give protection against:
1053. A single phase protection switch is used to protect:
1054. How the light output is produced in electric discharge lamp?
1055. What will happen to the filter circuit in battery charger if the output filter capacitor is opened?
1056. Which is the application of delayed response type diazed fuse?
1057. The force between two long parallel conductors is inversely proportional to:
1058. Which of the following circuit elements will oppose the change in the circuit current?
1060. Who was the founder of Scientific Astronomy?
1061. Who among the foreign travellers made earliest reference regarding Kerala?
1062. Which of the following is one of the Harappan sites related to the maritime activities of the Harappan people?
1063. What is the full form of Wi-Fi?
1064. What does EBCDIC stands for?
1065. Conquest of which of the following parts of India was effected by the Arabs for the first time?
1066. How many years are there from 24th July 1972 to 5th October 1973?
1067. Which mountain range separates North India from Peninsular India?
1068. In which part of the sentence is the mistake?
1069. Which is the correct sentence?
1070. Choose the correct sentence from the following
1073. Who is called as the father of Planning in India?
1074. The second largest Union Territory in India, in terms of area:
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