26. Brightest planet of our Solar System is _____.?
27. Charon' is the satellite of _____.?
28. Chief of the air force is called………………
29. Consider the following statements regarding asteroids: 1. Asteroids are rocky debris of varying sizes orbiting the Sun. 2. Most of the asteroids are small but some have diameter as large as 1000 km. 3. The orbit of asteroids lies between the orbits of?
30. Deimos and Phobos are the satellites of?
31. Distance between the Moon and the Earth is 1. Approximately 386000 km 2. 1.25 light seconds?
32. Druva is a………. .
33. Earth ranks _____ in the Solar System away from the Sun.?
34. Earth revolves round the Sun In an orbit once In every __.?
35. Equatorial circumference of the Earth is?
36. Equatorial diameter of the Earth is __.?
37. From which country India purchases its maximum defence equipment ?
38. Going into the interior of the earth the weight of an object
39. Hale Bopp' is a newly discovered ____.?
40. Halley's comet completes one revolution around the sun in:
41. Halley's comet completes one revolution around the sun in?
42. Halley's comet visits us after every.?
43. How many degrees north and south are the Tropics?
44. How many of the following statements are true? 1. Mean Solar Day is greater than Sidereal Day approximately by 4 minutes. 2. Earth's rotational velocity is decreasing. 3. Planets are arranged according to their increasing distance from the sun as follo?
45. How many planets does our Solar System consist of?
46. How many satellites does the largest planet have?
47. How much Is the average distance of the Sun from the Earth?
48. How much is the variation In distance between the Earth and the Sun during aphelion and perihelion?
49. How much time (approximately) does the light from the nearest star to the Sun take in reaching the earth?
50. How much time does earth take in making one rotation on its axis with respect to a fixed star at infinite distance?