Information-Technology Related Question Answers

1001. VIRUS stands for __________.?

1002. To print to find an individual item in a file immediately __________.?

1003. Which of the following is not a function of the control unit?

1004. Coaxial cables are widely used on which of the following network?

1005. Which among the following is the Extension of MS Access?

1006. Which protocol provides e-mail facility among different hosts?

1007. What happens when operating system is loaded in RAM?

1008. Which of the following is used by the browser to connect to the location of the Internet resources?

1009. Effective system requirement analysis is required for___________.?

1010. To analyze an atomic statement, a logic called ________ logic is used.?

1011. Computer read which type code?

1012. In recent years, people can approach government department or offices through internet the mechanism is known as__________.?

1013. Bing is a(n)________.?

1014. The altering of data so that it is not usable unless the changes are undone is _______.?

1015. Code uses 7 bits to represent a character in ___________.?

1016. Normalization is a process of restructuring a relation to_________.?

1017. What is the Full Form of RPC?

1018. What is the difference between a CD-ROM and a CD-¬RW?

1019. Linux is a (n) _________ operating system.?

1020. In a ring topology, the computer in possession of the________ can transmit data.?

1021. __________ is a primary key that also appears in another file.

1022. Which key is used to indent a paragraph in MS-Word?

1023. The OSI model is divided into_________ processes called layers.?

1024. _______________ refers to the letter and number of the intersecting column and row.?

1025. ___________ applications refers to those applications in which text, sound, graphics, motion video and animation are all combined.?

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