1176. The main directory of a disk is called the ……………..?
1177. What is the difference between a CD-ROM and a CD-RW??
1178. The measure the speed of the processor, ……………….?
1179. Who is founder of Wikipedia??
1180. The main circuit board of the system unit is the?
1181. A central computer that holds collections of data and programs for many PCs, workstations and other computers is a?
1182. Are we building the right product? This statement refers to?
1183. BCC in the internet refer to?
1184. Which of the following is the correct use of Buffer or Block cashes??
1185. The principal electronic payment systems for electronic commerce is?
1186. _______ allows wireless mobile device to access the internet and its services such as the web and email.?
1187. The conversation of electronic data into another form is called-?
1188. Which of the following protocol have file edit capability in remote logging??
1189. Grammar of the programming is checked at which phase of compiler??
1190. End to End connectivity is provided from which of the following layer??
1191. JPEG stands for -?
1192. What is called a prescribed set of well - defined instructions for solving mathematical problems??
1193. _______ is a place that a user can create to store files.?
1194. Who among the following is the inventor of WWW??
1195. Which of the following shortcut keys is used to after opening a document, to the location you were working in when the document was last closed??
1196. In which network topology, network components are connected by only one cable??
1197. Which of the following is not an example of hardware??
1198. What is called the process to copy the software in hard disk from secondary storage media??
1199. Generally a rectangular shaped below mouse is called-?
1200. Which of the following is the smallest unit in a digital system??