Information-Technology Related Question Answers
1376. In Excel All macro keyboard shortcuts include the _____________ key.?
1377. Special effect used to introduce slides in a presentation are called ___________.?
1378. Each box in a spreadsheet is called a ______________.?
1379. As text, editor are used at the MS-word and ___________ are used in MS-Excel.?
1380. Which of the following is not a toggle key?
1381. One important function of MS-excels over MS-word is ________________.?
1382. MS-Excel offers ____________ different chart types.?
1383. In Excel-accounting style shows negative numbers in __________.?
1384. Ms-excel record cell addresses in formula in three different ways, they are __________ and mixed.?
1385. In Excel which of the following is not an option in the spelling dialog box.?
1386. In Excel which of the following is not a worksheet design criterion?
1387. In Excel typical worksheet has _____________ Number of columns?
1388. Internet's Initial development was supported by:?
1389. World Wide Web was proposed by:?
1390. What are the uses of the Internet:?
1391. .net domain is used for:?
1392. URL stands for:?
1393. Benefits of Email are:?
1394. WWW provides standardized access to:?
1395. Which among the following is not an internet browser:?
1396. What should be minimum requirement of random access memory (RAM) for internet access:?
1397. A modem is not needed when accessing the internet through:?
1398. In order to use cable for browsing web you will need:?
1399. ADSL gives:?
1400. What is the minimum bandwidth required for broadband connection:?
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