Information-Technology Related Question Answers

1451. OSI model is a product of the Open Systems Interconnection effort at the ____:?

1452. Which among the following is correct features about LAN (Local Area Network):?

1453. The size of a ______can cover a city whose scope is less than 100 kilometer such as cable TV networks etc:?

1454. The fundamental approaches to build a point - to - point network is:?

1455. The _____layer defines the electrical and physical specifications for devices:?

1456. HBA stands for:?

1457. HBA is used in ______:?

1458. FDM stands for:?

1459. TDM stands for:?

1460. In cable modem internet access, cable modem terminations system (CMTS) is at:?

1461. What type of internet technology sends information to you without you requesting that information:?

1462. What is the second generation of the Web called:?

1463. What type of web technology allows its community members to continuously change the contents on a web site:?

1464. Which of the following is not a primitive data type:?

1465. The finally block is executed:?

1466. The Statement - System.out.print ( (double) 7/4 ); prints:?

1467. What is the environment variable that contains a list of directions where Java looks for classes referenced in a program:?

1468. Consider the statement - System.out.print (Math.round(Math.random 0)); Above statement can print:?

1469. Subclass is also called:?

1470. Which of the class definition has/have initialization bock:?

1471. The Keywords - try, catch, and finally are typically used in the sequence:?

1472. Automatic conversion from primitive type to an object of the corresponding wrapper class is called:?

1473. Which of the following does not have a super class:?

1474. A class is a variable of variable that is declared inside a class as:?

1475. Punched Cards were first introduced by:?

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