Information-Technology Related Question Answers

1751. What is MP3:?

1752. What is the most popular hardware for multimedia creations?

1753. For sound recording, what is necessary?

1754. The life - span of a CD - ROM is _______:?

1755. The ______setting are automatic and standard:?

1756. What are the two parts of an E - mail address?

1757. Participate can see and hear each other in a/an:?

1758. Computer crime or Cyber crime is crime that involves:?

1759. Net crime is criminal exploitation of the ___:?

1760. Crime through Internet includes:?

1761. Which among the following is correct about "Hacking":?

1762. Which among the following is correct about "Child Pornography":?

1763. Which among the following characteristics are correct about 'Cyberstalking':?

1764. Denial - of - service attack includes:?

1765. Which among the following is wrong characteristic of "Phishing":?

1766. Credit Card Fraud includes:?

1767. Punishment for Hacking in Inida is:?

1768. Which among the following is best suitable for term "Software Piracy":?

1769. Which among the following are Malicious Softwares:?

1770. IRC stands for:?

1771. MOD refers to:?

1772. INTER POL stands for:?

1773. A firewall is a ______security system:?

1774. A firewall is a network security system ______based that controls incoming and outgoing network traffic based on a set of rules:?

1775. Firewalls are frequently used to prevent unauthorized internet users from accessing private networks connected to the internet especially ____:?

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