Information-Technology Related Question Answers

1926. C.U. stands for?

1927. Ctrl + C is key used for?

1928. IR stands for?

1929. The mother board contains various________?

1930. What symbol is present on the number key '7' on the keyboard?

1931. Devices that enter information and let you communicate with the computer are called?

1932. If you want to upload your profile pic into Facebook, the device you will use?

1933. Q89 .docx is the file extension for?

1934. One Byte is equal to?

1935. Broad Categories of Software are?

1936. If you want to go to end of page, you have to press?

1937. Which one of the following is not a hardware?

1938. Errors in computer programs are called?

1939. Internet refers to?

1940. Storage Area for E-mail messages are called?

1941. Bug describes?

1942. Which function is not performed by servers?

1943. The process of transferring files from a computer on the internet to your computer on the internet to your computer is called?

1944. The main memory works in conjunction with?

1945. Fastest supercomputer of the world is?

1946. Which one of the following work as both an input device and output device?

1947. SATA stands for?

1948. Group of attributes/field in a database is known as a?

1949. Set of related records in a database is known as a?

1950. To view information on the web, you must have a?

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