Information-Technology Related Question Answers
1951. Directory in a Directory is called?
1953. Coded entries which are used to gain access to a computer system are called?
1954. Which of the following act both as an input and output device?
1955. Multimedia refers to?
1956. The key used to cancel the current task is?
1957. F5 key is used?
1959. If you want to Bold then you will press?
1960. If you want to cut the selected item, you will press?
1961. Which key is used to open the start menu?
1962. USB stands for?
1963. "Homepage" word is associated with?
1965. Primary language used for static web page design is?
1967. Inbox in e - mails refers to?
1968. Authentication means?
1969. DNS stands for?
1971. Q131 .TXT extension refers usually refers to what kind of file?
1972. SPIDER refers to?
1973. AOL stands for?
1974. The computer needs additional components called _______ to accomplish its input, output and storage functions?
1975. To contact people using the internet, you most often use their?
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