Information-Technology Related Question Answers

2001. The default view in Excel is ____view?

2002. Which of the following can be used to select entire document?

2003. MAN stands for?

2004. NIC stands for?

2005. If you want to connect to your own computer through the internet from another location you can use?

2006. Which of the following are not programming paradigms types?

2007. OEM Software stands for?

2008. Which of the following enables users to visit a web site?

2009. Which "SUPERCOMPUTER" is developed by Indian Scientist?

2010. Super Computers termed considered as?

2011. POST stands for?

2012. Which of the following number system is natively used by a computer?

2013. The transmission mode which allows both communicating devices to transmit and receive data simultaneously is?

2014. Which of the following is not related to the Internet and Web Development?

2015. MP3 is a?

2016. Java Programming language was invented by?

2017. Which of the following buses available on computer system?

2018. Which of the following stores the operating system files permanently?

2019. Apple Computers were founded by?

2020. Motherboard is a?

2021. Master Files contain data of?

2022. JVM stands for?

2023. 'Analytical Engine' was developed by?

2024. Advanced Internet is an example of _________network?

2025. 1GB consists of?

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