2152. The simultaneous processing of two or more programs by multiple processor is a?
2153. A _______ is a unique name that you give to a file of information?
2154. When your turn on the computer, the boot routine will perform this test?
2155. A compiler translates a program written in a high - level language into?
2156. You organize files by storing them in?
2157. When sending an e-mail, the _____line describe the contents of the message?
2158. A computer's type, processor and operating system define its?
2159. A mistake in an algorithm that causes incorrect results is called?
2160. FDDI stands for?
2161. ANSI stands for?
2162. Which of the following characters is correct regarding network topologies?
2163. Which of the following is correct regarding Bus Topology?
2164. Bus consists of a single linear cable called a__?
2165. Data is sent to all computers on the _____?
2166. In a ring network, every device has exactly ______neighbors for communicating purpose?
2167. To implement a ring network we use the ______technology?
2168. A token or small data packet is ______passed around the network?
2169. In a star network each node (file server, workstations and peripherals) is connected to a central device called a _____?
2170. Which of the following is correct about Star Topology?
2171. A tree topology (hierarchical topology) can be viewed as a collection of _______in a hierarchy?
2172. Which of the following topologies functions most helpful for colleges, universities and schools so that each of the connect of that topology to the big network in some way?
2173. Implementing the ______topology is expensive and difficult?
2174. A combination of any two or more network topologies are known as?
2175. Which of the following is incorrect about Hybrid Topology?