2176. Coaxial cable is suitable for use in ______topology?
2177. _________is suitable for use in star and ring topologies?
2178. _______topology can be considered as an extension to Bus Topology?
2179. In ring topology, repeater works in 3 modes: _____, _____ and ______?
2180. Which among the following is incorrect?
2181. _______ is a programming language that is interpreted & executed directly by the computer?
2182. Each computer can only understand programs that are written in its own ____?
2183. Which among the following is correct about Machine Language?
2184. Find out the incorrect feature of Assembly language among following?
2185. FORTRAN, COBOL, BASIC, PASCAL & C LANGUAGE are example of _____?
2186. A program written in a ________language is called a source program or source text?
2187. Rules of content, interpretation and meaning are called semantic rules. A high - level programming language is determined by its _____rules?
2188. ____is a general purpose high level language?
2189. C language was originally developed by ____?
2190. All Unix applications are written in the _____language?
2191. C language was invented to write an operating system called UNIX. C is a successor of language which was introduced around 1970?
2192. C language was formalized in _____by the American National Standard Institute?
2193. Java Programming Language was originally developed by Sun Micro-systems which was initiated by _______?
2194. Java Language was released in _____as core component of Sun Micro-systems Java platform?
2195. HTML is a markup language for describing web documents (web pages). Which among the following features is correct about HTML?
2196. The first version of HTML was _______that includes elements like Bold, Italics etc but it did not support tables or align attributes?
2197. Find out the wrong one from the following?
2198. W3C stands for World Wide Web Consortium which is an international consortium of companies involved with the internet and the web. The W3C was founded in _______by Tim Berners - Lee , the original architect of the World Wide Web?
2199. The W3C is the chief standards body for?
2200. ROM (Read Only Memory), is a type of memory that can ________store data?