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You Are On Question Answer Bank SET 1577
78851. A brief account of a subject
Answer: Summary/Compendium
78852. Capable of being wounded
Answer: Vulnerable
78853. Fond of much alcoholic drink
Answer: Bibulous
78854. A person who is foolishly fond of one's wife.
Answer: Henpecked/Uxorious
78855. A person who helps in a wrong deed or crime
Answer: Accomplice/ Accessary
78856. Helpful but not an essential part
Answer: Accessory
78857. A holy or sacred place
Answer: Sanctuary
78858. Honesty and uprightness of character
Answer: Integrity
78859. That which cannot be altered
Answer: Unajlterable/ Irrevocable
78860. Killing of large numbers of defenceless people
Answer: Massacre
78861. The murder for political reasons
Answer: Assassination
78862. The murder of one's sister
Answer: Sorocide
78863. The murder of one's husband
Answer: Mariticide
78864. One who always gets into trouble
Answer: Scapegrace
78865. One who fluently speaks many languages
Answer: Polygot
78866. One who goes for a secret official mission
Answer: Emissary
78867. One who habitually talks while sleeping.
Answer: Somniloquist
78868. One who walks while asleep
Answer: Somnambulist
78869. One who is excessively patriotic
Answer: Chauvinist
78870. One who makes a secret plan against somebody
Answer: Conspirator
78871. One who receives something
Answer: Recipient
78872. One who regains health and strength after illness
Answer: Convalescent
78873. One who plans to destroy all governments
Answer: Anarchist
78874. One who studies the mind
Answer: Psychologist
78875. One who speaks two languages
Answer: Bilingual
78876. One who takes an active part in politics
Answer: Activist
78877. One who witnesses secretly to private conversation.
Answer: Eavesdropper
78878. A permanent military station
Answer: Cantonment
78879. A person who belongs to a region from earliest time
Answer: Aboriginal
78880. A perfect happiness
Answer: Ecstasy/Bliss
78881. A person who holds a high office
Answer: Dignitary
78882. A person who is kept as a prisoner
Answer: Captive
78883. A person who takes part in state affairs
Answer: Statesman
78884. A person who files a suit
Answer: Plaintiff
78885. A person who uses disruptive forces to bring about political or social change
Answer: Extremist
78886. A policy of extending a country's empire and influence
Answer: Imperialism
78887. Persuade by flattery
Answer: Cajole
78888. A political system without opposition.
Answer: Totalitarianism
78889. A person who is reserved in speech
Answer: Reticent
78890. Science of poisons
Answer: Toxicology
78891. Science of the fossils
Answer: Palaentology
78892. A temple dedicated to all the gods
Answer: Pantheon
78893. That which can easily be curved without breaking.
Answer: Flexible
78894. That which eats grass
Answer: Herbivore /Herbivorous
78895. That which has very harmful and dangerous effects.
Answer: Detrimental
78896. That which is corpse like
Answer: Cadaverous
78897. That which is cat like
Answer: Feline
78898. That which is cow like
Answer: Bowine
78899. That which is fish like
Answer: Piscine
78900. That which is morally dangerous
Answer: Pestiferous
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