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You Are On Question Answer Bank SET 1580
79001. A place where coins are made
Answer: Mint
79002. An official record of the proceeding of a meeting.
Answer: Minutes
79003. An impudent girl
Answer: Minx
79004. An examiner presiding at some university examinations
Answer: Moderator
79005. A building in which monks live
Answer: Monastery
79006. Apupil who looks after the boys in the class in the absence of the teacher
Answer: Monitor
79007. A person who has withdrawn from the world for religious reasons
Answer: Monk
79008. Two or more than two letters combined in one design
Answer: Monogram
79009. A drama to be performed by a single man
Answer: Monologue
79010. A building which is constructed to keep alive one's memory
Answer: Monument
79011. A hotel for the motorists, in which parking and servicing facilities are available
Answer: Motel
79012. A building where works of art, scientific specimens and other objects of permanent value are kept and displayed.
Answer: Museum
79013. Flesh of sheep used as food
Answer: Mutton
79014. Secretion of a plant which attracts the insects or birds that pollinate flowers
Answer: Nectar
79015. A room or place set a part for children
Answer: Nursery
79016. A place where young plants and trees are raised for transplantation elsewhere
Answer: Nursery
79017. A lovely young girl
Answer: Nymph
79018. A company of performers playing musical instruments
Answer: Orchestra
79019. A person who looks after horses at an inn
Answer: Ostler
79020. A plane figure of the shape of an egg
Answer: Oval
79021. A person who tells the future and interprets character by reading the lines and configuration on the palm
Answer: Palmist
79022. Remedy for all diseases
Answer: Panacea
79023. An event which happens once in two years
Answer: Biennial
79024. An event which happens once in three years
Answer: Triennial
79025. An event which happens once in four years
Answer: Quadrennial
79026. An event which happens once in five years
Answer: Quinquennial
79027. An event which happens once in six years
Answer: Sexennial
79028. An event which happens once in seven years
Answer: Septennial
79029. An event which happens once in eight years.
Answer: Octennial
79030. An event which happens once in ten year
Answer: Decennial
79031. One who makes a scientific study of language
Answer: Linguist
79032. A person who lives on vegetables
Answer: Vegetarian
79033. A person who eats vegetables and meat
Answer: Non- vegetarian
79034. One who believes in oneself
Answer: Egoist
79035. One who wastes money for luxury
Answer: Extravagant
79036. One who abandons his religious faith
Answer: Apostate
79037. A person who has a long experience of any occupation
Answer: Veteran
79038. An animal which gives milk and suckles its young one
Answer: Mammal
79039. Baggage of a traveller
Answer: Luggage
79040. A place where fishes and water plants are kept
Answer: Aquarium
79041. A person who plays violin
Answer: Violinist
79042. An area of land planted with grapes
Answer: Vineyard
79043. A man or woman who has not sexual experience.
Answer: Virgin
79044. Something that happens without a cause
Answer: Accident
79045. A person whose profession is to keep accounts
Answer: Accountant
79046. Person with whom one is acquainted
Answer: Acquaintance
79047. A set of instruments put together for a purpose
Answer: Apparatus
79048. A legal written statement
Answer: Affidavit
79049. A ground for the arrival and departure of aeroplanes
Answer: Aerodrome
79050. One who is engaged in husbandry
Answer: Agriculturist
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