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You Are On Question Answer Bank SET 1579
78951. One who cannot read and write
Answer: Illiterate
78952. One who believes in the existence of God
Answer: Theist
78953. One who does not believe in the existence of God
Answer: Atheist
78954. A person who lives in a foreign country
Answer: Alien
78955. A person who leaves his own country and goes to settle in another
Answer: Emigrant
78956. A medicine which induces vomiting
Answer: Emetic
78957. That cannot be exhausted
Answer: Inexhaustible
78958. A person who comes to one country from another to settle
Answer: Immigrant
78959. One who commits the first act of attack
Answer: Aggressor
78960. One who is all powerful
Answer: Omnipotent
78961. One who is present everywhere
Answer: Omnipresent
78962. One who knows everything
Answer: Omniscient
78963. One who believes in fate
Answer: Fatalist
78964. One who loves mankind
Answer: Philanthropist
78965. One who plays, sings, paints pictures etc not for money, but for the love of it
Answer: Amateur
78966. The letters used in writing a language
Answer: Alphabet
78967. Yearly return of the date of an event
Answer: Anniversary
78968. A substance like ether, chloroform
Answer: Anaesthetic
78969. A person who is skilled in making analysis
Answer: Analyst
78970. One who eats too much
Answer: Glutton
78971. A female of gander
Answer: Goose
78972. A place of shelter for ships
Answer: Harbour
78973. An equipment of a horse
Answer: Harness
78974. A spear on a rope for catching whales and other larger fish
Answer: Harpoon
78975. An adult male of deer
Answer: Hart
78976. A plane figure of seven sides
Answer: Heptagon
78977. A number of animals kept feeding or travelling together
Answer: Herd
78978. A plane figure with six sides
Answer: Hexagon
78979. A person who takes part in a hijack
Answer: Hijacker
78980. A word that is the same in sound as another but different in meaning
Answer: Homonym
78981. A supreme ruler
Answer: Monarch
78982. A holiday which is taken by a newly married couple
Answer: Honeymoon
78983. A diagram of the heavens showing the relative position of planets at the time of a person's death
Answer: Horoscope
78984. A person who entertains guests
Answer: Host
78985. A woman who entertains guest
Answer: Hostess
78986. A dog used for hunting
Answer: Hound
78987. A person who carries off somebody by force
Answer: Kidnapper
78988. A place where clothes are washed and pressed
Answer: Laundry
78989. An army officer who is below a captain in rank.
Answer: Lieutenant
78990. or, A junior officer in the navy
Answer: Lieutenant
78991. Any alcoholic drink
Answer: Liquor
78992. A baggage of a traveller
Answer: Luggage
78993. A young unmarried woman
Answer: Maiden
78994. A speech which is delivered for the first time
Answer: Maiden Speech
78995. An animal that feeds its young with milk from the female mammary glands
Answer: Mammal
78996. A book, document, letter etc written by hand or typed
Answer: Manuscript
78997. A female of donkey /horse
Answer: Mare
78998. A woman who is in charge of nursing in a hospital
Answer: Matron
78999. A tiny living organism causing disease
Answer: Microbe
79000. An optical instrument for magnifying objects
Answer: Microscope
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