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You Are On Question Answer Bank SET 1600
80001. Questioner(n)
Answer: enquirer; examiner; interviewer
80002. Queer (adj.)
Answer: curious; strange; puzzling; uncommon
80003. Rainy (adj.)
Answer: damp; wet; drizzly
80004. Random (adj.)
Answer: accidental; chance; incidental; unplanned
80005. Ratify (v)
Answer: affirm; approve; certify; authorise
80006. Raucous (adj.)
Answer: harsh; hoarse; loud; noisy
80007. Ready {adj.)
Answer: arranged; prepared; completed; fit
80008. Rebellious (adj.)
Answer: disloyal; untruly; disobedient; revolutionary
80009. Rebuke (v)
Answer: chide; blame; admonish; scold
80010. Recess (n)
Answer: break; interval; rest
80011. Rectify (v)
Answer: amend; correct; remedy; repair; reform
80012. Referee (n)
Answer: arbitrator; judge; umpire
80013. Refrain (v)
Answer: abstain; avoid; quit
80014. Refugee (n)
Answer: escapee; exile; deserter; absconder
80015. Reliance(n)
Answer: assurance; belief; confidence; faith; trust
80016. Religious (adj.)
Answer: devotional; divine; spiritual; sacred
80017. Rescue tv)
Answer: deliver; liberate; recover; release
80018. Resemble (v)
Answer: approach; favour; duplicate; take after
80019. Residence (n)
Answer: home; house; palace; quarters
80020. Respectful (adj.)
Answer: courteous; humble; obedient; polite
80021. Restaurant (n)
Answer: buffet; cafe; eating house
80022. Revenue (n)
Answer: income; returns; gain; profit
80023. Rightful (adj.)
Answer: lawful; legal; true
80024. Rogue (n)
Answer: cheat; deceiver; devil; villain; scoundrel
80025. Roomy (adj.)
Answer: wide; spacious; sizable; large
80026. Rotation (n)
Answer: revolution; orbit; cycle
80027. Safety (n)
Answer: assurance; security; protection; safeguard
80028. Savings (n)
Answer: capital; fund; resources
80029. Scandal (n)
Answer: disgrace; rumours; shame; uproar
80030. Scholar (n)
Answer: expert; intellectual; academic; pupil
80031. Scornful (adj.)
Answer: arrogant; defiant
80032. Scribble (v)
Answer: doodle; jot; scrawl; write
80033. Seminary (n)
Answer: academy; college; institute; school
80034. Shriek (v)
Answer: howl; scream; shout
80035. Solemn (adj.)
Answer: ceremonial; sober; momentous; ritual
80036. Spendthrift (adj.)
Answer: extravagant; improvident; prodigal; wasteful
80037. Spontaneous (adj.)
Answer: extempore; free; voluntary; willing
80038. Stamina (n)
Answer: power; strength; vigour
80039. Stormy (adj.)
Answer: dirty; foul; windy; turbulent
80040. Stupid (adj.)
Answer: foolish; dull; idiotic
80041. Successful (adj.)
Answer: satisfactory; lucky; victorious; wealthy
80042. Survey (v)
Answer: assess; consider; inspect; examine
80043. Sympathy (n)
Answer: pity; condolence; comfort; rapport
80044. Synonymous (adj.)
Answer: comparable; corresponding; identical
80045. Talented (adj.)
Answer: able; apt; adept; clever
80046. Talkative (adj.)
Answer: chatty; garrulous; gossipy; wordy
80047. Tantamount (adj.)
Answer: equal; equivalent
80048. Target(n)
Answer: aim; ambition; goal
80049. Teetotaler (n)
Answer: abstainer; non-drinker
80050. Terror (n)
Answer: Anxiety; dread; horror; fear; fright
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