World Related Question Answers

676. The Currency of Ireland?

Irish Pound

677. Srirangapatnam is on the bank of which River?


678. Land of Morning Calm?


679. United Nations Organization came into force on ?


680. Who is the creator of the famous character “James Bond”

Ian Fleming

681. Who is the author of The Bells?

Edgar Allen Poe.

682. Rome is on the bank of which River?


683. Who is the author of The Plague ?

Albert Camus

684. Twinkenhem (England) is associated with which Sport?


685. Demosthenese; who was he?

A world famous Greek orator

686. Amerigo Vespucci who identified America belonged to?


687. Who is the author of Daughter of the East?

Benazir Bhutto

688. The Capital of Chad?

N’ Djamena

689. Highest Filling Station?

Petrol pump at Leh at 3658 m. It is operated by Indian Oil Corporation.

690. Who is the author of Moti Mahal ?

Gopinath Mohanty

691. Was agreement was signed between India and Pakistan after the 1971 battles?

The Shimla Agreement in 1972

692. Who is the First Vice President of America?

John Adams

693. Who was considered as the evil spirit by the Persians?


694. Who is the creator of the famous characters “Mr. Micawber; Jacob Marley”

Charles Dickens

695. Christianity was spread to Kerala by ?

St. Thomas Aposthel in 52AD (Crangannore)

696. Who is the author of Jungle Girl ?

Ginu Karnani

697. Stock exchange Index of Singapore is ?


698. The Capital of Honduras?


699. American President who was known as Smiling President?


700. Who is the oldest President of America?

Donald Trump
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