World Related Question Answers

901. Who is the author of Song of Solomon?

Toni Morrison [He was first African American writer (1993) to be awarded Nobel Prize for Literature]

902. Who is the author of “India Wins Freedom”?

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad

903. Steam Boat was invented by ?

Robert Fulton in 1807

904. Who is considered as the father of Scientific Socialism?

Karl Marx

905. Who said "Cowards die many times before their deaths; The valiant never taste death but once”?

William Shakespeare

906. Who is the author of Vanity Fair?

W.M. Thackeray

907. King’s Cup is associated with?

Air Races (England)

908. Who is the author of Essays for Poor to the Rich ?

JohnKenneth Galbraith

909. The Second World War was between?

The Axis Powers (Germany; Italy and Japan) and the Allied Powers (Britain; France; Russia; USA)

910. …… a coin whose face value is more than the value of the metal?

'Token coin'

911. Who is the author of Importance of Being Earnest ?

Oscar Wilde

912. Which is the largest museum in the world?

American Museum of Natural History

913. In which country Alexander founded the city of Alexandria?


914. Gibraltar of Indian Ocean?


915. Planet Farthest (from the Sun)?


916. Who is the author of View from the UN ?

U Thant

917. The Currency of Angola?

New Kwanza

918. Who said "Money is what money does" ?


919. Which ruler constructed the Great Wall of China?

Shih Hwangti

920. The Cold War was announced by Winston Churchill in his famous "Iron Curtain" speech at ?

Fulton; Missourie in 1946

921. Smallest Union Territory?


922. The Capital of Estonia?


923. …. the crisis American bank faced when provided loan to less credit worthy customers on mortgage property and land?

Subprime Crisis

924. Largest Forest (India)?


925. Who is the Portuguese king who sent Vasco-da-Gama to India?

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