World Related Question Answers

926. Who is the author of All Things Bright and Beautiful?

Lewis Carroll

927. Who is the creator of the famous characters "Palani; Karuthamma;"?


928. Ludhiana is on the bank of which River?


929. Which are the two affiliates of World Bank or IBRD?

International Development Association (IDA) established in 1960 and; the International Finance Corporation (IFC); established in 1956

930. Hippocrates; who is considered as the father of Medical Science was a ?


931. Greek poetess who sung about love; nature and beauty?


932. Who is the author of Oliver Twist?

Charles Dickens

933. Who are the selected people of Jehovah ?


934. 'Wealth of Nations' was written by?

Adam Smith

935. Who is the author of Eureka?

Edgar Allen Poe.

936. Who is the author of Debacle ?

Emile Zola

937. Statue of Liberty is situated in ?

The Liberty Island in the Newyork Port.

938. Who is the author of Beyond Peace?

Richard Nixon

939. Who is the author of My Own Boswell ?

M Hidayatullah

940. BRIC countries include?

Brazil; Russia; India; China

941. Who is the author of The Pilgrim's Progress?

John Bunyan

942. The Hundred years War started during the period of ?

King Edward III

943. Who is the author of La Divina Comedia ?

A Dante

944. Lover of Hitler?

Iva Brown

945. Who is the author of If l am Assassinated ?

ZA. Bhutto

946. Tallest Statue (India)?

Statue of “Panduranga Vittala” (Karnataka State)

947. Greek Civilisation reached the Zenith of its progress during the period of which ruler?

Pericles; a ruler of Athens.

948. Who was the great sailor who reached Phillipines in 1521 and died there fighting its aborgins?

Ferdinant D Megallan of Portugal

949. Three states of China existed in the 300 BC?

Chin; Chu; Ehi

950. Famous chinese king Shihuangti belonged to?

Chin dynasty
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