World Related Question Answers

976. Who is the author of Rubaiyat ?

Omar Khayyam

977. Economists have divided economy into three sectors namely?

1 Primary sector 2 Secondary sector 3Tertiarysector (Service sector)

978. The Currency of Greece?


979. Which French king said "I am the state"?

Louis XIV

980. Which was the first Indian public sector unit of New York Stock Exchange?


981. Largest Salt Water Lake?

Caspian Sea

982. Who was the French Philosopher who wrote the book ‘Confessions’?


983. Who is the author of Our Films; Their Films ?

Satyajit Ray

984. ……is a company certificate to its creditors promising payment of a stated sum after a specific period of time at fixed rate of interest?


985. Who is the author of Heroes and Hero Worship ?

Thomas Carlyle

986. Who is the author of Hamsters ?

C.P. Snow

987. Tallest Statue (World)?

Statue of Liberty; New York

988. Who is the author of " Eternal India"?

Indira Gandhi

989. Who is the author of Emperor Jones (Drama)?

Eugine O'Neil

990. Who is considered as the last of great Pharohs of Egypt?

Ramses III

991. Longest Railway Platform?

Sonepur (Bihar) (India)

992. In Russia the October Revolution happened on?


993. Who invented the Spinnng Jenny in 1764?

James Hargreaves

994. Who is the author of Defending India?

Jaswant Singh

995. Which country in the world has the oldest living civilisation?


996. OPEC was established with a view to?

Control production and pricing of crude oil

997. Who is the creator of the famous characters "Friday; Robinson Crusoe"?

Daniel Defoe

998. The Capital of Latria?


999. Siesmograph was discovered by?

Ancient Chinese

1000. Hitler committed suicide along with his wife Iva Brown after the failure of Second World War on?

1945 April 30
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