World Related Question Answers
1101. Paleolithic Age is also known as ?
the 'Age of Hunters'
1102. Who is the author of Vedic Stories?
Mira Nair
1103. The Persian priests were known as?
1104. First Pyramid was built about ?
2700 BC
1105. The famous "Iron Curtain" speech was by?
Winston Churchill
1106. First American President to die in harness was?
Wilham Henry Harrison
1107. Bin Laden was shot and killed in?
In May 2; 2011
1108. George Washington died on?
14th December 1799
1109. What is the height of the Statue of Liberty in America?
91 meters
1110. The Currency of Uruguay?
Nuero Peso
1111. Who is the creator of the famous character "David Copperfield;"?
Charles Dickens
1112. Who is considered as the father of printing?
John Guttenburg of Gennany
1113. silk was first used by ?
1114. Battle in which Napolean was defeated in 1815?
Battle of Trafalgar
1115. Who became the ruler of Rome after Julius Caeser?
Octavian (Augustus Caesar)
1116. Who invented Steam Engine in 1769 ?
James Watt
1117. The Currency of Mauritius?
1118. Sydney is on the bank of which River?
1119. To which race Persians belonged ?
The Indo-European race
1120. The Capital of Rwanda?
1121. The chief architect of the Acadian empire was?
1122. Who is the author of ‘Job for Millions’?
1123. a lyric poem; often in the form of address is known as?
1124. Who is the author of India :A portrait ?
Patrick French
1125. Who discovered Brazil in 1500?
Kabral; a Portuguese
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