World Related Question Answers
1126. World Bank (IBRD) came into being on?
Dec 27;1945
1127. The supporters of Nazi Party were known as ?
Sturn Abteilung or 'Brown Shirts'
1128. Which law was passed by Hitler In 1935 through which German Jews were deprived of their citizenship?
The Nuremberg Law
1129. The Capital of Tanzania?
Do doma
1130. Pindar was a famous?
Greek Lyric Poet
1131. The Capital of Tonga?
1132. 'Canterbury Tales' is the famous work of ?
Geofery Chaucer
1133. Who is the author of Way of all Flesh ?
Samuel Butler
1134. Which was the least populous town ?
Yumen in the remote Himalyan region of Tibet in China
1135. The Currency of Bangladesh?
1136. The Capital of Russia?
1137. Name the tallest tree in the world?
Coast Redwood in the Redwood National Park in California
1138. The Capital of Paraguay?
1139. Who founded a school named Lycium in Athens ?
1140. The Capital of Nicaragua?
1141. The first Britain colony was established in 1607 in?
Jamestown in Virginia
1142. Largest Cathedral?
Diocese of New York 11; 240 sq.m.
1143. The Capital of Namibia?
1144. The Currency of Algeria?
1145. Which ancient civilisation was famous for secular architecture?
1146. Who is the author of I Too Had a Dream?
Varghese Kurian
1147. Santosh Trophy is associated with?
National Football Championship
1148. Who is the author of Rape of the Lock?
Alexander Pope
1149. The Rights of Man ?
Thomas Paine
1150. Exchange of goods for goods is known as?
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