World Related Question Answers
1151. Who is the author of Politics and Governance?
Bimal Jalan
1152. Who is the author of " Golden Threshold "?
Sarojini Naidu
1153. Who is the author of Blood Brothers ?
1154. Which is the Sacred text of the Jew" ?
Thorah (included in the Old Testament of Bible)
1155. The Capital of Nigeria?
1156. In which year John Guttenburg published The Holy Bible?
1157. Which country has the largest fishing industry in the world?
1158. The Road to Serfdom was written by ?
F.A. Hayek
1159. First American President who later became Chief Justice?
William Haward Draft
1160. The Gulf War (1991) was fought between the US led multinational forces and Iraq to expel Iraqi troops from Kuwait. Its code name was ?
Operation Desert Storm
1161. The Currency of Switzerland?
Swiss Franc
1162. Who is the author of Adventures of Tom Sawyer?
Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens)
1163. What is described as the 'Bible of the English Constitution'?
The Magnacarta
1164. IMF –International Monetary Fund; was established in ?
1165. The Currency of United Arab?
Pound Dirham
1166. The Declaration of American Independence was drafted by?
Thomas Jefferson
1167. How many dramas were written by Shakespeare?
37 plays
1168. The Capital of Bhutan?
1169. People lived in Ancient Egypt beionged to which race?
Hemitic race
1170. Who is the author of Merchant of Venice?
William Shakespeare
1171. Swaythling Cup is associated with?
World Table Tennis (Men)
1172. Highest Lake?
Titicaca (Bolivia) 3854 metres above sea level.
1173. Forbidden City?
Lhasa (Tibet)
1174. Who is the author of Ambassador's Journal ?
J. K Galbraith
1175. The Tashkent Agreement was signed on?
January 10; 1966.
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