World Related Question Answers

1176. Napolean Bonaparte was born in the year?


1177. The Currency of Ivory Coast?

Franc CFA

1178. The average life expectancy in India is ?

69 years

1179. Land of Thousand Lakes?


1180. Who is the author of All's Well that Ends Well ?


1181. Which place that lies between India and Pakistan is referred as the highest and the coldest battle field in the world?

Siachin Glacier

1182. The inventor of the Steel Furnace is?

Bersemer in 1856

1183. London is on the bank of which River?


1184. Which boundary line separates India and China ?

Mc Mohan Line

1185. The Capital of Chile?


1186. Who is the author of To the Lighthouse?

Virginia Woolf

1187. Who is known as the 'Liberator'?

Simon Bolivor

1188. What was the name of the Atom bomb dropped in Nagasaki known as?

'Fat man'

1189. The Currency of Columbia?


1190. The Capital of Thailand?


1191. Who is the author of Future Shock?

Alvin Toffler

1192. Who is the creator of the famous character “Don Juan”

Lord Byron

1193. Eternal City of Hopes?

Rome; Italy

1194. Who is the author of Sohrab and Rustum ?

Mathew Arnold

1195. Longest Railway Bridge?

Huey P. Long Bridge; 7009 m (Metairie; Louisiana; USA)

1196. Who is the grandson of Herman Gundert; winner the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1946?

Herman Hesse

1197. The unification of Germany was completed in the year?


1198. Who founded 'Young Italy' in 1821?

Joseph Massini

1199. Japanese style of flower arranging is known as ?


1200. Who is the author of Utopia-A Bold New World?

Shishir Gupta
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