World Related Question Answers
1276. “It is possible to fail in many ways; while to succeed is possible only in one way”?
1277. The Second World War led to the foundation of UNO in?
1278. Who is the author of IlIiad ?
1279. The Capital of Uzbekistan?
1280. Name the three major Philosophers of ancient China ?
Lao-Tse; Confucious and Mencious
1281. Which religion is considered as the mother religion of Christianity and Islam?
1282. Who is the author of Indian Muslims ?
Prof Mohammed Mujeeb
1283. Who is the author of Far from the Madding Crowd?
Thomas Hardy
1284. ……is a measure of the development gap between the developed and developing countries?
Percapita GNP
1285. Smallest Continent?
1286. Who founded a university named' Academy' in Athens?
1287. KYC norms is ?
Know Your Customer norms
1288. The foreign policy of Peter the Great was known as?
'Warm Water Policy'
1289. Who is the author of The Tin Drum?
Gunter Grass
1290. “The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire" is a famous book written by ?
Edward Gibbon
1291. Who is the author of Arms and the Man ?
George Bernard Shaw
1292. Who is the author of Chistable ?
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
1293. The Capital of Ghana?
1294. Brightest Planet?
1295. Which treaty was signed by the Allies with Austria- Hungary in 1919?
The Treaty of St. Germain
1296. Sivanthi AdithanGold Cup is associated with?
1297. Who is the author of Midsummer Night's Dream?
1298. English king who signed the Magnacarta in 1215?
1299. Wimbledon Trophy is associated with?
Lawn Tennis
1300. Longest Highway Tunnel?
Norway 24.5 km
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