Objective-General-Knowledge Related Question Answers

951. Which situation makes a firm most efficient?

Lowest average costs

952. Which oil is used in the floatation method for the purification of ores?

Pine oil

953. In which year did the Indian Naval Mutiny against the British take place?


954. Ministers in a State get salaries; by whom is it as determined?

State Legislature

955. Which statement is true with respect to Leukaemia?

Number of WBCs increases in blood

956. The working of optical is based on which of electromagnetic waves?

Total internal reflection

957. What is the minimum forest cover to maintain ecological balance?


958. In which part is the provision of amending the Constitutional Provision is given?

Part XX Article 368

959. In which country does State funding of elections take place?

Germany and Austria

960. Which place was famous as a seat of Mahayana learning?


961. Which leader of the Revolution of 1857 had the real name of Ram Chandra Pandurang?

Tatiya Tope

962. Who was the founder of the autonomous Kingdom of Avadh?

Saadat Khan Burhan-ul Mulk

963. Who commanded the Maratha army in the third battle of Panipat?

Sadashiv Rao Bhau

964. By whom is the composition of the UPSC determined?

By the President

965. Who was the first woman’ President of the Indian National Congress?

Annie Besant

966. Who was the leader of Poona Sarvajanik Sabha founded in 1870?

Justice Ranade

967. Who firstly predicated the existence of electromagnetic waves?


968. Which animal can tolerate more summer heat?


969. With which of the following fields is M. F. Hussain associated?


970. How are the caves of the world’s greatest fold mountains formed?

Compressional movement

971. Why is phenomenon of mirage?

Due to total internal reflection

972. Which kingdom was annexed to tile Mughal empire during the reign of Shahjahan?


973. Which is the highest mountain peak in India?

Mt. K2

974. Coolgardie lies in the Australian province of which direction?

Western Australia

975. Who destroyed the Empire of Chalukyas of Badami?

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