Synonyms Related Question Answers
326. Solemn (adj.)
ceremonial; sober; momentous; ritual
327. Spendthrift (adj.)
extravagant; improvident; prodigal; wasteful
328. Spontaneous (adj.)
extempore; free; voluntary; willing
329. Stamina (n)
power; strength; vigour
330. Stormy (adj.)
dirty; foul; windy; turbulent
331. Stupid (adj.)
foolish; dull; idiotic
332. Successful (adj.)
satisfactory; lucky; victorious; wealthy
333. Survey (v)
assess; consider; inspect; examine
334. Sympathy (n)
pity; condolence; comfort; rapport
335. Synonymous (adj.)
comparable; corresponding; identical
336. Talented (adj.)
able; apt; adept; clever
337. Talkative (adj.)
chatty; garrulous; gossipy; wordy
338. Tantamount (adj.)
equal; equivalent
339. Target(n)
aim; ambition; goal
340. Teetotaler (n)
abstainer; non-drinker
341. Terror (n)
Anxiety; dread; horror; fear; fright
342. Timid (adj.)
afraid; cowardly; fearful; timorous
343. Tolerate (v)
accept; allow; bear; abide
344. Tourist (n)
traveller; tripper; voyager
345. Tragedy (n)
adversity; disaster; catastrophe; calamity
346. Transparent (adj.)
apparent; clear; obvious; translucent; visible
347. Tremendous (adj.)
excellent; exceptional; fabulous; terrific
348. Trespasser (n)
criminal; infringer; intruder; offender
349. Trophy (n)
award; memento; memorial; cup
350. Turbulent (adj.)
agitated; wild; violent; boisterous; choppy
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