Synonyms Related Question Answers

351. Tutor (n)

coach; educator; guide; teacher

352. Twilight (n)

sundown; sunset; dusk; evening

353. Twinkle (v)

glitter; shine; glimmer; sparkle

354. Tyrant (n)

autocrat; dictator; monarch; slave-driver

355. Uphill (adj.)

difficult; laborious; tough; wearisome

356. Urgent (adj.)

compelling; critical; crucial; eager

357. Utmost (adj.)

extreme; final; first; farthest

358. Utterance (n)

announcement; statement; declaration; speech

359. Vacant (adj.)

empty; free; unfilled

360. Vanish (v)

depart; die out; disappear; disperse

361. Veteran (n)

master; old hand; old timer

362. Victory (n)

conquest; triumph; win

363. Vigilant (adj.)

alert; attentive; watchful; cautious

364. Vigorous (adj; )

active; dynamic; energetic; efficient

365. Voyage (n)

journey; passage; travels; trip

366. Vulgar (adj.)

common; boorish; native; unrefined

367. Watchman (n)

caretaker; custodian; guard

368. Well-known (adj.)

famous; renowned; popular

369. Wholesome (adj.)

advantageous; beneficial; worthy

370. Worldwide (adj.)

general; global; intemational; universal

371. Wrestle (F)

battle; combat; contend; contest

372. Yearly (adj.)

annual; per annum

373. Yield (v)

abdicate; allow; comply; concede

374. Youthful (adj.)

boyish; childish; young; immature

375. Zeal (n)

devotion; spirit; zest
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