Indian-Polity Related Question Answers

401. Who started the publication ‘Saragrahi’ to propagate his ideals?

Brahmananda Sivayogi

402. After becoming the disciple of Sree Narayana Guru to which place Kumaru (Kumaranasan) was sent for higher studies in Sanskrit?


403. Who is regarded as the father of the renaissance of Kerala?

Sree Narayana Guru

404. Who led the first organised strike of agricultural labourers in Travancore?


405. Aggrieved by the death of Sree Chattambi Swamikal, who wrote a condolence poem namely ‘Samadhi Sapthakam’?

Pandit Karuppan

406. Al-Islam , The Muslim and Deepika were published by?

Vakkom Moulavi

407. Araya Vamsodharani Sabha had its seat at?


408. Atmopadeshasatakam was authored by?

Sree Narayana Guru

409. Ayyankali passed away in?


410. Bodheswaran, Perunnelli Krishnan Vaidhyan, Velutheri Kesavan Vaidhyan, Kumbalath Sanku Pillai etc were grihastha disciples of?

Chattampi Swamikal

411. Brahmananda Swami Sivayogi was born in?


412. The place which was selected by Nanu Asan (Narayana Guru) as his abode for meditation and spiritual activities?


413. The prefix ‘Mahakavi’ awarded to Kumaranasan by Madras University in the year ___?


414. The presiding deity of the Thycaud Ayya Swami Temple?


415. The name ‘Sivagiri’ was given to the mount at Varkala by?

Sree Narayana Guru

416. The name ‘Vagbhatananda’ was given to V.K.Gurukkal by?

Sivayogi of Alathur

417. The name of the boat Kumaranasan was travelling before he met an accident that caused his death?


418. The novel ‘Guru’ depicts the life of Sree Narayana Guru is authored by?


419. Who is called the father of literacy in Kerala?

Kuriakose Elias Chavara

420. Who called Kumaranasan ‘Viplavathinte Sukranakshatram’?

Joseph Mundassery

421. Who exhorted ‘Mattuvin Chattangele’ (Change the rules)?


422. The only foreign country visited by Sree Narayana Guru?

Sri Lanka

423. The only Keralite whose birth day and death anniversary are declared holiday by the Government of Kerala?

Sree Narayana Guru

424. The publication ‘The Muslim’ was launched by Vakkom Moulavi in?


425. Chattampi Swamikal aquired self realization at?

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