Indian-Polity Related Question Answers
726. Who authored the publication ‘Treatment of Thiyyas in Travancore” in 1896?
727. The leader who had to resign from the post of Deputy President of Legislative Assmebly as he had welcommed C.Kesavan on behalf of the 51 lakh people of Travancore in meeting organised to facilitate C.Kesavan after his release from jail?
728. The famous thinker Natarajaguru is the son of?
729. Who published ‘Athmavidhya kahalam’?
730. Jatavallabhar was the teacher of?
Chattampi Swamikal
731. In which branch of medicine Chattampi Swamikal acquired knowledge?
732. Under what capacity C.Kesavan attanded the Christian Conference held at Kozhanchery in 1935 and made the historic ‘Kozhanchery speech’?
General Secretary of SNDP
733. The journal ‘Sivayogavilasom’ was published by?
734. Who among the following had been appointed as an accountant in Government Secretariat by Dewan T.Madhava Rao?
Chattampi Swamikal
735. The birth place of C.Kesavan?
736. Who was passed away at Muhamma in Alapuzha district at the age of 42?
P.Krishna Pillai
737. Who led ‘Oorutambalam agitation’?
738. The social reformer who is known as ‘Sarva Vidhyadiraja’?
Chattampi Swamikal
739. Vagbhatananda established ‘Atmavidhya Sangham’ in?
740. The colour of dress used by Sri Narayana Guru in his last days?
741. The founder of National Democratic Congress?
Mannath Padmanabhan
742. Kuriakose Elias Chavara was beatified in?
743. The first Malayali poet whose picture was printed on an Indian stamp?
744. The founder of Travancore Cheramar Mahajana Sabha?
Pampady John Joseph
745. Which book written by Chattampi Swamikal quashes the legend that Kerala was donated to Brahmins by Parasurama?
Prachina Malayalam
746. The sculptor of the statue of Ayyankali at Vellayambalam in Thiruvananathpuram?
Ezra David
747. What was the real name of Anandatheerthan?
Ananda Shenai
748. In which district Vaikom Satyagraha held?
749. Who formed ‘Dharmabhata Sangham’ in order to strengthen the activities of SNDP Yogam?
750. Who established the journal ‘Arayan’ in the year 1917?
) Dr.Velukutty Arayan
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