Indian-Polity Related Question Answers
776. In which year K.Ayyappan was elected to Kochi legislature?
777. The slogan ‘Vayichu Valaruka’ is related to?
Granthasala Sangham
778. The importance of 19th April 1991 in Kerala history?
Kerala bacame the first total literate state in India
779. Who established Rajayogananda Kaumudi in 1911?
780. To which place in Madras province Swadeshabhimani K.Ramakrishna Pillai was banished in 1910?
781. In which taluk of the erstwhile Malabar district was Guruvayur satyagraha held?
782. Which district was the venue of Suchindram Satyagraha?
783. The king of Travancore issued a proclamation announcing the right of Nadar women to wear upper clothes but on condition that they should not imitate the style of clothing worn by upper class women?
Uthram Tirunal
784. Who exhorted the pilgrims not to go to Kodungallur Bharani as animal sacrifice was cruel, foolish and sinful, that the singing of obscene songs was uncivilized?
Sahodaran Ayyappan
785. What threatening of Ezhava leaders made Dewan Sir C. P. Ramaswami Iyer to compel Maharaja of Travancore to issue the Temple Entry Proclamation?
En masse convertion to Christianity
786. Who authored ‘Sathyamennath Ivide manushyanakunnu’?
787. The old name of Nair Service Society?
Nair Bhruthya Jana Sangham
788. Who led Savarna Jatha from Nagercoil to Thiruvananthapuram?
789. Who established the first school for depressed classes in Kerala?
790. Who was the chairman of the Ezhava Mahasabha held at Alapuzha on 27th November, 1932 under the auspices of SNDP Yogam?
791. The publication of which journal owned by K. Ramakrishna Pillai was caesed when he assumed the editorship of ‘Swadeshabhimani’?
792. In which year ‘Kesavan Memorial’ was submitted demanding the release of C.Kesavan from jail?
793. Who founded Athma Bodhodaya Sangham?
Subhananda Gurudevan
794. Who wrote the book ‘Dr.Palpu’?
795. The first leader of Ezhavas to organise them into a community?
796. Who was arrested along with A.K.Gopalan when the starvation march reached Madras?
Chandroth Kunhiraman Nair
797. In which year Ayyankali became a member of Sri Mulam Praja Sabha?
798. Where is C.Kesavan Memorial?
799. Who established ‘Brahma Pratyaksha Sadhu Jana Paripalana Sangham’ in 1912, aimed at the welfare of Paraya community of Travancore?
Kavarikkulam Kandan Kumaran
800. The founder of Kerala Granthasala Sangham?
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