Indian-Polity Related Question Answers

876. “To change the Nampoothiri into human” was the slogan of?

Yogakshema Sabha

877. ho said “No caste, no religion, no god for man”?

Sahodaran Ayyappan

878. In order to provide opportunity of education for poor children, V.T.Bhatathirippad organised?

Begging March (Yachana Yatra)

879. Ernest Kirk was the first European disciple of?

Sree Narayana Guru

880. The world rises from love /And attains progress with love,/Love is itself the power of the world,/Love brings happiness to all; /Love is life itself, sir,/And Love’s absence is death”-The work of Kumaranasan which depicts the sacredness of love?


881. The birth place of Thycaud Ayya?


882. Who wrote ‘Adwaitha Chintha Paddhathi?

Chattampi Swamikal

883. Who authored ‘Baalaakalesam’?

Pandit Karuppan

884. Who authored ‘Anandagurugeetha’?

Brahmananda Sivayogi

885. The author of ‘Martyrdoam of Anasthasiya’?

Kuriakose Elias Chavara

886. From where K. Ayyappan launched the publication ‘Sahodaran’?


887. To which agitation Velath Lakshmikkutty, K.K.Karumba and K.C.Kalikkutty is related?

Channar Agitation

888. In which year ‘Samathwasamajam’ was founded?


889. ‘No to argue or win but to know and inform’ which conference is related to this motto?

Aluva conference

890. Who was the exponent of Anandajathi?

Brahmananda Sivayogi

891. Who was the founder of Saivaprakashika Sabha?

Thycaud Ayya

892. The mission society that founded Brennen’s College?

Basal Mission

893. The date on which Mahathma Gandhi and Sree Narayana Guru met?

1925 March 12

894. What type of literary work is ‘Thozhilkendrathilekk’?


895. The work of Kuma ranasan that depicts the fact ‘Mamsanibhadamalla ragam’ (Love is not an artifact of flesh)?


896. Who founded a school near Arppookkara for depressed classes?

Kuriakose Elias Chavara

897. To which Satyagraha is Arya Pallam is related?

Paliyam Satyagraha

898. When did Channar Agitation attained its objectives?

1859 July

899. Who authrored ‘Swathanthryagatha’?


900. Who publised Al-Islam, the Muslim and Deepika?

Vakkom Maulavi
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