Indian-Polity Related Question Answers
226. Which Article of the Constitution deals with Amendment procedure?
227. In how many ways the Constitution of India can be amended?
228. Amendment by special majority means the bill is passed in each house by a majority of the total membership and by a majority not less than ........ of the members that house present and voting?
Two thirds
229. Amendment that needs ratification by states must be ratified by Legislatures of not less than ...... of the states?
One half
230. From which country India copied the procedure of amendment of Constitution?
South Africa
231. In which year the first Constitution Bill was passed?
232. Which Schedule of the Constitution was added by the first amendment of the Constitution?
233. Which amendment is related to reorganisation of states on linguistic basis (1956)?
234. Which amendment of the Constitution gave Assosiated State status to Sikkim?
235. The largest amendment of the Constitution was?
236. The 42nd Amendment was introduced after the recommendations of ..... Committee?
Swaran Singh
237. Which Amendment of the Constitution changed its charecterisation from ‘Soverign Democratic Republic’ to ‘Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic’?
238. By which Amendment the words in the preamble of the Constitution- ‘Unity of nation’ were changed to ‘Unity and Integrity of Nation’?
239. By which amendent the life of Lok Sabha and State Assemblies was extended from 5 to 6 years?
240. Fundamental Duties were included in the Constitution through which amendment of Constitution?
42nd Amendment?
241. The Amendment of the Constitution that restored the life of Lok Sabha and State Assemblies from 6 years to five years?
242. Which Amendement is related to AntiDefection Law?
243. Renaissance in Kerala
244. The founder of ‘Samathwa Samajam”?
Ayya Vaikundar
245. The founder of ‘Travancore Ezhava Sabha’?
246. Sree Narayana Guru visited the Satyagrahis at Vaikkom in?
247. The Maharaja of Travancore who invited Thycaud Ayya to his palace and became his disciple?
Swati Tirunal
248. One of the leaders of Kerala renaissanmce who served as the manager of Residency in Thiruvananthapuram?
Thycaud Ayya
249. Panmana Ashramam is related to?
Chattampi Swamikal
250. Prabodha Chandrodayam Sabha patronised by Pandit Karuppan had its seat at?
North Paravur
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