Physics-Objective Related Question Answers

101. Liquids having low viscosity are called?

Mobile liquids eg : Water; Kerosene; Alcohol; Petro

102. Fluids flow with zero viscosity is called?

Super fluids eg : Honey; Coaltar; Glycerine etc

103. The property of a liquid by which the free surface of liquid acts like a stretched membrane?

Surface tension

104. Surface tension is caused due to?

Unbalanced molecular cohesive force

105. Surface tension is inversely proportional to temperature and?


106. Surface tension of hot water is less than that of?

Cold water

107. Insects walking over the water surface can be explained by?

Surface tension of water

108. Spherical shape of rain drops can be explained by?

Surface tension of water

109. Capillary phenomenon is due to?

surface tension

110. Rise of water level in plants is due to?

surface tension

111. Ability of a body to return to its original shape is called?


112. The force per unit area is called?

Pressure [Pressure = Force/Area]

113. The SI Unit of pressure=?

Pascal or N/m2

114. Unit of thrust is?


115. CGS unit of thrust is?

dyne /cm2

116. Force acts more on objects having?

Low Surface area

117. Atmospheric pressure =….?

760mm of Mercury

118. Unit of Atmospheric pressure?

Bar 1 bar = 10^5 pascal

119. Pressure at sea level is taken as the?

Standard Atmospheric Pressure

120. Barometer is used to calculate?

Atmospheric Pressure

121. The liquid used in Barometer?


122. Sudden fall of mercury level in Barometer indicates?


123. Rising level of mercury in Barometer indicates?

Calm climate

124. Force of attraction between any two bodies in the universe is called?


125. Law of gravitation was discovered by?

Sir Isaac Newton
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