Biology-Objective Related Question Answers
26. Megaloblast and Deficiency during pregnancy is associated with birth defects such as neural tube defects are due to the deficiency of?
Vitamin B9
27. Megaloblastic anemia is caused due to the deficiency of?
Vitamin B12
28. Scurvy is caused due to the deficiency of?
Vitamin C
29. Rickets and Osteomalacia is caused due to the deficiency of?
Vitamin D
30. Bleeding diathesis is caused due to the deficiency of?
Vitamin K
31. Water soluble Vitamins are?
B complex; C
32. Fat soluble Vitamins are?
A; D; E; K
33. Who is known as father of Biology /Zoology?
34. Who discovered that ‘Plant have life’?
J.C. Bose
35. Name two nitrogen fixing bacteria?
Rhizobium & Azetobactor
36. The plants absorbs the element nitrogen in the form of?
37. Name the plant that absorbs ammonia directly?
38. Write an example of nitrogen fixing algae?
39. Name the minerals caused by Eutrophication?
Nitrogen; phophorus
40. Black gram is very rich in ......?
Proteins & carbohydrates
41. Name two insecticides?
42. Dioxin is a common .........?
43. Which scientist coined the term ‘Biology’?
Jean Lamarck
44. Which is the monocarpic plant which shows gregarious flowering once in 48 years?
45. BHC is the common name of....?
46. Which gas lead to global warming?
47. Which gas lead to ozone depletion?
Chlorofluro carbon
48. What is the term used for the occurrence of more than one type of morphologically different leaves on the same plant?
49. What is cladode?
The modification of stem to carry the function of leaf is called cladode. eg: Opuntia
50. What is the male reproductive part of the flower known as?
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