Astronomy-Objective Related Question Answers
251. Name the comet whose tail measured longest a staggering 570 million km?
Comet Hyakutake
252. Leonid meteoroids are associated with which comet, whose Orbital period is 33.3 years?
Comet 55P/Temple Tuttle
253. The first couple in space abroad the shuttle Endeavour?
N Jan Davis and Marck Lee
254. Which was the first spacecraft to be launched into space?
Sputnik (Russia)
255. When was Sputnik launched into space?
256. Which was the first space craft to land on moon?
Luna -9
257. In which year Luna -9 landed on the moon?
258. Who was the first woman to walk in space?
Svetlana Savitskaya
259. The name of the spacecraft in which Yuri Gagarin travelled?
Vostok - I
260. Who was the first American in Space?
Allan Sheperd
261. Who was the first astronaut to land on moon?
Neil Armstrong
262. Name the spacecraft which brought rock pieces from the moon?
Luna 16
263. Name the first American Artificial Satellite?
Explorer – I
264. Who was the oldest man to go to space?
John Glenn
265. Which space probe took the worlds first living creature, dog Laika to space?
Sputnik - 2
266. When was the first orbiting space station, USSR’s Salut I launched?
267. When did the former USSR launch the MIR Space station?
268. Who was the first US woman in Space?
Sally Ride in 1983
269. Which is the famous US rocket launching station in Florida?
Cape Canaveral
270. The agency of US government for space explorations and missions?
NASA (National Aeronotics and Space Administration)
271. First man sent into space by China?
Yang Liwei
272. Who is the first person to die in space flight?
273. Who is the father of Space Science?
Konstantin Tsilkovsky
274. Which satellite is known as the artificial baby moon?
275. Name the satellite which first relayed television?
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