Astronomy-Objective Related Question Answers

151. Period of rotation of Uranus?

10 hours 50 minutes

152. Period of revolution of Uranus?

84 years

153. Who discovered Neptune?

Johann Galle in 1846

154. First planet found by mathematical prediction rather than emperical observation?


155. Which planet is approximately thirty times farther from the Sun than Earth is?


156. Name of three rings of Neptune?

157. Two main satellites of Neptune?

Triton and Nereid

158. The largest satellite of Neptune?


159. Who discovered Triton?

William Lassell in 1846

160. Period of rotation of Neptune?

16 hours 6 minutes

161. Period of revolution of Neptune?

165 years

162. Which planet is known as the will-o- the wisp’ in the sky?


163. Historically, who were the first people to record eclipse?

Chinese (4000 BC)

164. After which planet, a day of the week is named?

Saturn ( Saturday)

165. Which planet is named after the Roman God of the sea?


166. When did scientists succeed for the first time in imaging a giant planet outside our solar system?

April 2005. Christened as 2m1207b; the planet is five times the mass of Jupiter and is orbiting a distant star.

167. What are solar flares?

168. Which part of the sun extends far into the space and hot enough to emit x-rays?

169. When do we see the corona of the Sun?

During the eclipses

170. What do we call the glowing surface of the sun?


171. Where does the thermo - nuclear reaction take place in the sun?

At the core of the sun

172. Which is the largest Canyon in the Solar System?

173. Which is the least dense planet?

174. First man to land on the moon?

Neil Armstrong (1969)

175. The first space craft to land on the moon?

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