Astronomy-Objective Related Question Answers
201. The comet which appear every 76 years?
Halley’s comet
202. The smallest dwarf planet?
203. Ceres the largest asteroid in solar system was promoted to a dwarf planet in?
204. What do you call the tiny blackened Corps of a star like the Sun, that ultimately disappear into the blackness of the space?
Black dwarf
205. What are super giants?
206. Which is the deepest crater on the Moon?
208. The fifth largest satellite in solar system?
209. The name of a waterless spot on the moon?
Ocean of storms
210. The element found on the surface of the moon is?
211. The place on moon where Apollo 11 landed?
Sea of Tranquility
212. Period of revolution of the moon?
27 days 7 hours 43 minutes and 11.47 seconds
213. The mean distance between earth and moon is?
214. The average orbital speed of moon?
215. The Moon rotates upon its axis in .......... Earth days?
216. How fast does the Moon travel around the Earth?
217. How much of sunlight that strikes it does the Moon reflect?
The Moon reflects only 7% of the light of the Sun which reaches its surface.
218. The Moon revolves around the Earth from?
west to east
219. What is the largest crater on the Moon?
The crater Bailly
220. The object that orbits Earth in both the Earth-centered (geocentric) and Sun-centered (heliocentric) models of our solar system?
the Moon
221. A cycle of Moon phases can be seen from Earth because the?
Moon revolves around Earth
222. Which member of the solar system has a diameter of 3.48 x 103 kilometers?
Earth’s Moon
223. When a thin crescent of the moon is visible just before sunrise, the Moon is in its______?
Waning Phase
224. The inner planets tend to have ______?
fewer moons
225. The planets that tend to have rings tend to have _______?
Many moons
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