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1. Set against a rural backdrop, Stench of kerosene is the story of a couple, Guleri and Manak, who have been happily married for several years but do not have a child. Manaks mother is desperate to have a grandchild to carry on the family name. Hence, she gets Manak remarried in Guleris absence. Manak, who acts as a reluctant but passive spectator, is meanwhile, informed by a friend that Guleri, on hearing about her husbands second marriage, poured kerosene on her clothes and set fire to them. Manak is heartbroken and begins to live as if he were a dead man. When his second wife delivers a son, manak states at athe child for a long time an blurts out, Take him away ! He stinks of kerosene. This is a sensitive issue-based story which tries to sensitise the readers about

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