1. If the incomes of two Comapanies were equal in 1999, then what was the ratio of expenditure of Company X to that of Company Y in 1999 ?
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By: guest on 01 Jun 2017 11.13 pm
Let the incomes of each of the two Companies X and Y in 1999 be Rs. x. And let the expenditures of Companies X and Y in 1999 be E1 and E2 respectively. Then, for Company X we have: 50 = x - E1 x 100 50 = x - 1 x = 150 E1 .... (i) E1 100 E1 100 Also, for Company Y we have: 60 = x - E2 x 100 60 = x - 1 x = 160 E2 .... (ii) E2 100 E2 100 From (i) and (ii), we get: 150 E1 = 160 E2 E1 = 160 = 16 (Required ratio). 100 100 E2 150 15