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1. Mr. Gupta borrowed a sum of money on compound interest. What will be the amount to be repaid if he is repaying the entire amount at the end of 2 years? I.  The rate of interest is 5 p.c.p.a. II.  Simple interest fetched on the same amount in one year is Rs. 600.  III.  The amount borrowed is 10 times the simple interest in 2 years.

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  • By: guest on 01 Jun 2017 05.46 pm
      I. gives, Rate = 5% p.a.  II. gives, S.I. for 1 year = Rs. 600. III. gives, sum = 10 x (S.I. for 2 years). Now I, and II give the sum. For this sum, C.I. and hence amount can be obtained. Thus, III is redundant. Again, II gives S.I. for 2 years = Rs. (600 x 2) = Rs. 1200. Now, from III, Sum = Rs. (10 x 1200) = Rs . 12000. Thus, Rate = 100 x 1200 = 5% p.a. 2 x 12000 Thus, C.I. for 2 years and therefore, amount can be obtained. Thus, I is redundant. Hence, I or III redundant.
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